In this article, know why you must use Wistia for your videos in order to get lucrative business possibilities.
So, you’ve finally decided to take the big leap; you’re going to jump right into the massive world of video marketing. That’s amazing! Now that you’ve made this important decision, all you need is a superb video hosting service, and you’re on your way to success!
But hold on a second, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. What exactly is video marketing and hosting?
Well, video marketing is the use of engaging videos in your marketing campaigns. And video hosting is what makes this possible by allowing users to upload, store, and convert online video material.
Choosing the right video service is the first step to success. After all, it’s only fair that your kickass videos get an equally kickass video hosting service. Hold on, stop right there. I know what you’re thinking right now, why not use YouTube? Read your mind, didn’t I? It is the most popular video platform, after all.
Well, we’ll tell you why. Let’s take a look at why your go-to music binge website isn’t the best choice to make. Not only does YouTube reel in users to stay on their platform, but it also presents some pretty fierce competition for your audience’s attention. It’s a given that the newest smartphone ad will make your company’s insurance scheme seem pretty boring. And let’s be honest, no one wants to take that risk.
But there’s no need to worry; there’s plenty more to choose from.
And what better choice than Wistia itself! Not convinced by the name alone? No problem!
Here are nine irresistible reasons why you should use Wistia for your videos:
(Seriously, you won’t be able to say no after this).
1) Traffic (and not the bad kind!)
Imagine putting in all that hard work and money to produce a show-stopping video all to have it shared on a third-party site. What a bummer. With Wistia, you won’t have to worry about that because they pop your video right on to your company’s webpage. That’s right, they don’t even give other platforms a chance to steal your awesome viewers. Soon, you’ll find your website swamped in traffic – viewer traffic that is – and remember, all these potential customers mean more conversions. Get ready to make big bucks in no time at all!
2) Call to Action
Come to think of it, why are you making this video in the first place? To get more customers and higher sales, of course! If you don’t want all your efforts to go to waste then having an impressive Call to Action is super important, I can’t stress this enough.
A Call to Action is anything that gets a viewer to click and explore more. It can be a phrase, a question, or even a single word. It just has to grab the viewer’s attention.
With Wistia, you have the option to add a one-click Call to Action at the end of your video. Once your viewers click on the text, they’ll be taken to one of your web pages where they can learn more.
Here’s a good one: Like what you saw? Sign up for a free trial! The thought of getting something for free is sure to pull in customers.
3) Action Analytics
Remember learning the 5 W’s back in school? Well, the action analytics part of Wistia covers three of them: who, when, and which. I can tell we’re already off to a good start here.
Wistia’s action analytics tell you about your video’s user engagement. It tells you who watched your video, which parts they liked most and whether they watched the whole video or not. And the best part is that you can see all this on a cool heatmap. Wicked right!
Just think how easy it’ll be to boost and improve your videos with this sweet slice of information.
4) Ad-Free Videos!
Do you really want your company’s video to go head to head with an ad for the latest smartphone or a juicy beef burger? I thought not. With Wistia, you won’t have to worry about any ads rudely interrupting your video (like, excuse me!). Wistia keeps it professional, allowing your viewers to truly absorb your video so you can get your message across. And it’s great for people with short attention spans too!
5) Email Grabs
Imagine all you could do with a potential customer’s email address. You can alert them about your offers and tell them exactly why they should pick your brand. More than that, you can make yourself be seen!
Wistia takes care of the ‘getting’ part by allowing you to add a capture email option into your video. This requires the viewer to enter their email ID at a specific point in their clip, giving you the reign to convert your potential customer into a buying customer.
You don’t even need to set it up with your newsletter provider, because Wistia has already done that for you.
6) Email Marketing
Did you think that was the end of Wistia’s relation with emails? Come on, you should know us better than this by now. With Wistia, you can place your kickass video in your email. So, not only will potential customers receive your video individually, but they’ll also get a notification for it. I mean, talk about special treatment. Pretty wicked right?
And it isn’t even hard work, just a bit of good ol’ copy-pasting!
7) SEO Ready!
Who’s SEO ready? We are! And by we, we mean Wistia. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and this means getting your website to the top of the web search results so that you can get more visitors. Whew! With billions of webpages to rank from this seems like quite the challenge.
But worry not, Wistia has got all this covered! Complete with inbuilt SEO gadgets, Wistia allows you to add titles, descriptions, tags, and the likes to push your video right to the very top. And come on, who doesn’t like to be number one.
8) Complete Control
With Wistia, you can unleash your inner control freak. Their SuperEmbed Builder lets you customize the size and color of your video. So, you can make your video look as awesome as it really is and give it a personality of its own!
The SuperEmbed Builder also lets you stay on top of your social media game. With one click sharing links for the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and Email, you can make sure your video reaches new heights.
9) Customer Service just like Home!
Wistia’s customer care standards are stunning. They get back to you ASAP, and their team makes you feel right at home. They have five different areas under support, that’s right, five! Making absolutely sure that there isn’t any problem that they can’t solve.
Oh, and the Wistia team will talk to you as you want; whether that’s via email, tweet or over a call! They’re always there for you.
But what does a superb support system mean for you? Bingo! No annoyed viewers to deal with.
Still not convinced? Maybe the three free videos you’ll get when signing up will do the trick!
Go on, what are you waiting for? Give Wistia a shot, you won’t regret it. I’m willing to bet my dollar!
For more info contact us today!!